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Unless you are driving a miniature sized car, new auto designs are continually being optimized for safety. Regardless of how safe a car is designed to be, it can only go so far before the negligence of a driver causes a crash. In 2012, the fatality rates on U.S. highways spiked for the first time in years. The fatality rate reported in 2012 rose a whopping 5.6 percent which translates to more than 34,000 lives lost on our highways in just a year. Check the stats! In the face of such a figure, it’s high time that we check ourselves on driving safety.
When you command a machine that weighs a few tons, it is your responsibility to pilot it correctly so that you don’t inadvertently turn it into a stray missile. Here are a few guidelines to follow to drive safely on the highway:
1) Regularly check your mirrors.
2) Use the left lane for PASSING ONLY.
3) Use the highway on-ramps efficiently. Don’t wait until the last second to speed up!
4) Always use your turn signals.
5) Turn on your headlights. Even in the day!
6) Minimize phone usage!
Click here to read an article published by The Car Connection that outlines all of these pointers in detail.
The biggest killer on the roads nowadays is the incessant usage of smart phones. Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous things that you can do. What is worse…. driving drunk or texting while driving? The answer is it’s on the same level to say the least. Both are equally as selfish. When you text while driving, you are willingly impairing your driving ability. Therefore, DON’T DO IT! Chances are it’s illegal in your state anyhow. If you must talk on your phone while driving, do it hands-free. Most modern cars have built in bluetooth technology to allow you to do so with ease. If that technology isn’t available to you, click here to find out how you can get set up to talk hands-free with ease and affordably. Stay safe my friends!