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How many times have you thought about stopping by the car resale lot on base just to see what’s fresh? The military car resale lot is unique in the fact that it showcases everything from civics, mini vans, beaters or even that sharp Mazda sitting next to a random sailboat. I’ll admit it, it is always fun to stop by and look at the cars that you could never afford, the white Ducati you’ve been dreaming of, that 1985 RV parked in the corner, or the sleek black convertible that someone just has to let go. But all too often, the car that would really suit your needs is nowhere to be found! By using this website, you could find your ideal car close to where you live or close to where you are going to live after your PCS next month without ever having to visit a car resale lot. By working together within the military community, we are not only fulfilling our individual needs, but we are helping others to make the headache of buying or selling a car much more simple in our busy lives of military service. Thank you everyone for your participation at!