
The Future of Electric Cars: More Nissan Leafs and Less Planes

When it comes to technology and cars, my interest always “sparks up” when thinking about the future of electric cars.  I have written articles about these humming automobiles before, and I’m sure that I’ll write at least a few more as time goes on.  Why?  Because the future of electric cars so is so incredibly uncertain and difficult to predict.  It’s really going to be interesting to see what happens as companies do more and more research about how to put these rolling batteries into the hands of consumers.

Military Car Lot Focusing on You!: Articles Coming Soon to Your Local Military Base

Up to this point, I have been addressing the military community as a whole.  Even though I will continue doing so, I feel that it is time to focus on your respective local military base.  In this series of articles, I will be writing on issues for your local military base.  I am going to be covering matters such as places where you can buy a car with military benefits and local issues that you may have been wondering about.

Using Carfax to Help Decide if You Should Buy a Car: Is it Worth It?

When buying a car, our instincts beckon us to be absolutely sure of what we are getting ourselves into.  We ask questions such as:  Are there any problems with the car?  Has it ever been in an accident?  Has it been well cared for and carefully maintained?  Of course when dealing with sellers, it can sometimes be difficult to assess the degree of truth behind the state of the car.

It’s Electrifying!: Zipping Around Town With an Electric Car

In a previous blog, I wrote about the benefits of driving a hybrid car.  But what if you decide to take it to the extreme by purchasing an electric car?  When I think about cars that can plug in to outlets, I resort to endless thoughts of skepticism.  How far can you go on a charge?  How long does it take to charge the battery?  And so on…. In the past few years, electric cars have gone from exclusive displays in auto shows to the roads.

Final Things to Do Before Selling Your Car to Make a Quick Sale

The chances of selling a car are greatly improved by running through a simple check list of final things to do before selling your car.  Put yourself in the shoes of the buyer.  What are the things that you would expect in a car?  To start, a messy car makes for an uncertain buyer.  Use the last moments you have with your car to give her some TLC!  To a buyer, the cleanliness of a car is an indication that the car has been well cared for.

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